Toys R Us

>Had a job at Toys R Us a few weeks back
>Every day was the same fucking shit
>Did nothing other than restock toys and sweep the floors for 9 hours a day
>I hated that job with a passion, but I needed the money
>Decided to stick with it, no point job searching in this fucked economy
>Toys R Us was promoting Monsters U like there was no tomorrow
>Half the toys were Monsters U "Squeeze-me-to-make-me-talk" bullshit
>Every kid in the place was squeezing the fuck out of them then leaving them on the floor
>Made my job ten times harder, and I was rapidly losing my patience as this shit went on for weeks
>One day I was restocking NOTHING but fucking Montsters U toys that dumb kids kept dumping on the floor
>Nonstop growling coming from this one broken fucking Hug-Me-Sully toy that I was hauling around, and I couldn't take it any longer
>"Shut the fuck up Sully!" I shouted, and punched the fucker in the mouth until the growling and roaring stopped|
>Totally blanked and forgot that people and kids were around
>Everyone there was giving me the dirtiest fucking looks imaginable, pretty sure one girl thought I actually killed Sully
>Right there was my sales manager, his death stare made me want to hold my breath until I died
>Mad as fuck, he takes me strait to the boss's office, hauling the broken Sully doll with us
>"Alan, what's going on?" my boss asked my sales manager when he arrived
>Sales manager held up broken Sully doll so boss could see
>His response was the first letter of every line
boss let me off with a warning